What Is Aggressive Representation In A Divorce?
You’ve seen and heard the term “aggressive representation” in hundreds of attorneys’ advertisements. Mass-marketed attorneys and their advertising agencies like that catchy term. Interestingly enough, they have no idea what “aggressive representation” means because they “borrowed” that phrase from another attorney. That attorney was me.
25 years ago, while discussing my philosophy of representation with one of my colleagues, I coined the phrase “aggressive representation”, and utilized it in my Yellow Pages advertisements. Every year thereafter, more and more attorneys have borrowed my phrase, without even knowing what aggressive representation means. Webster’s defines aggressive as “marked by combative readiness”. Aggressive representation does not, by definition, mean fighting for the sake of fighting. To the contrary, it means:
Being ready to fight only if absolutely necessary.
For over 33 years, it has been my philosophy that a client’s best interests are best served by making every attempt to resolve, not merely settle, a client’s case, rather than fight for no reason. Combat should be utilized only if all other reasonable methods have been exhausted. Why waste extra money fighting when your case can be resolved with aggressive representation?
There are too many attorneys committed to marketing clients with a catchy phrase they cannot define. I know what aggressive representation means; I coined the term.
I am strongly committed to providing you aggressive representation.
For smart representation backed by decades of experience,
contact Dale L. Bernstein Chartered Law Office at (727) 312-1112.
Schedule a case evaluation today!