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Unfortunately, custody battles are sometimes a part of divorce in Florida. If you and your spouse can’t reach an amicable agreement about custody, you may be forced to take your custody case to trial.

In years past, it was assumed that the mother would get custody of the children. However, that’s no longer the case. Instead, the judges want to do what’s in the best interests of the child. Florida judges prefer for a shared custody arrangement which allows both parents to spend a lot of time with the child.

If you wish to win your Florida child custody case, you need to prove that it is in your children’s best interests to spend time with you. You can’t just tell the judge that you are the better parent. Instead, you will need to provide witnesses and documentation about the type of parent you are.

Some things you can do to prove that you are a better parent include attending all school activities, interacting with your child’s teacher, taking your children to the dentist and the doctor, encouraging your children to attend church, and recording your activities with your children. You should also maintain an appropriate home for the children. All of these steps can help to show to a court that you are actively engaged with your children and that you are concerned for their well-being.

As part of the custody case, you will also want to show the court that your spouse is a poor parent. Some evidence that could be relevant would include any criminal convictions, a history of drug use, a history of mental illness, an imposing work schedule, any activities that could be dangerous to a child, or any instances of bringing a romantic partner over for overnight stays with the children.

Although custody battles can be heated, it’s important that you not say negative things about the other parent in front of the children. In addition to being damaging to children, this can hurt your case.
